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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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Effortless Event Booking Solutions

Event organizers use chatbots to automate ticket sales, give event information, issue reminders, and handle participant inquiries via WhatsApp. Our revolutionary solution is completely integrated with Fynix ERP, providing real-time information, tailored interactions, and automated responses. Our complete event management tools will increase guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Why use Whatsapp for event booking?

Enhanced Customer Experience - Fynix ERP

Enhanced Customer Experience

Provide a seamless and interactive booking experience for attendees, increasing satisfaction and engagement.

Convenience - Fynix ERP


Enable attendees to book event tickets, access event details, and receive reminders directly through WhatsApp, eliminating the need for separate platforms.

Real-Time Updates - Fynix ERP

Real-Time Updates

Keep attendees informed with real-time updates on event schedules, changes, and announcements, ensuring they have the latest information.

Improved Communication - Fynix ERP

Improved Communication

Facilitate quick and efficient communication between event organizers and attendees, addressing inquiries and concerns promptly.

Reduce No-Shows - Fynix ERP

Reduced No-Shows

Send automated reminders and confirmations via WhatsApp, reducing the likelihood of no-shows and maximizing event attendance.

Scalability - Fynix ERP


Handle large volumes of event bookings and attendee inquiries efficiently through automated chatbots, scaling your event management capabilities as needed.

Event Registration

Showcasing how attendees can register for events and book tickets directly through WhatsApp.

Reminders and Notifications

Providing event details and information such as date, time, venue, agenda, and speaker lineup within the WhatsApp chat.

Feedback Collection

Gathering feedback from attendees post-event through WhatsApp surveys or feedback forms to improve future events based on insights.

feedback collection
backend management system

Backend Management System

  • Event Dashboard: An overview of all scheduled events, including details such as date, time, venue, ticket sales, and attendee counts.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports and analytics on event attendance, ticket sales, revenue, attendee demographics, engagement metrics, and feedback, to track event performance and measure success.

Explore some of the use cases we've successfully built

Key Features

Ticket Booking - Fynix ERP

Ticket Booking

Event Details - Fynix ERP Event Details

Reminders and Notifications - Fynix ERP Reminders and Notifications

Attendee Management - WhatsApp ERP Attendee Management

Interactive Q&A- Fynix ERP Interactive Q&A

Feedback Collection - Fynix ERP Feedback Collection

Integration with Ticketing Platforms - Fynix ERP Integration with Ticketing Platforms

Reports and Analytics - Fynix ERP

Analytics and Reporting

What We Provide For Event Booking

Customized Solutions

Customized Solutions

Implementation Support

Implementation Support

Training and Resources

Training and Resources

On-going Support

Ongoing Support

Curious to see how can support you

Request a free consultation from our team of bot experts and delve into how chatbots can elevate your business.